Covert Geo Targeter WP Plugin Improves Sales from blogs #ad
Another covert tool from the trio that brought us Covert Messenger and Covert Action Bar, John Merrick, Soren Jordansen and Cindy Battye.
Covert Geo Targeter takes its cue from the dating sites that know where you live and customize the sales page/opt-in page with your home town. They get more clicks when they do that. Suppose you could do the same on your WordPress site. Might you get a similar improvement?
Our covert trio tell us, “Geo Targeting works very well in all niches – and without any exceptions, all the blogs we used it on had a significant increase in response rates.” That wide sample of niches lends credance to their claim.
Their new Covert Geo Targeter is super simple to use and very affordable to acquire, and has no onoging costs. Yet it’s still flexible enough to allow you to insert geo location tags anywhere on your blog, on your home page, in your posts, in a sidebar ad; you name it.
You specify what fields you want the Geo Targeter to create. You then use shortcodes to place those fields wherever you want them.
You can get all this slick customization for your own blog here.
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