‘Turning Losses Into Gains’ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter
The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Turning Losses Into Gains”.
Robert Ringer says, “Sometimes it’s difficult to muster up the positive mental attitude to see opportunity in a bad situation. Things get so out of hand that it’s easy to become discouraged to the point of feeling despair. Those are the times when your mettle and sinew are really put to the test – sometimes very long tests.
The longest tests usually come in the form of mass oppression. To man’s shame, history’s list of brutal oppressions is a very long one. From the Jews in ancient Egypt to today’s citizen slaves in North Korea, oppression has been an integral part of human history”.
Read rest of the article on ‘The New Early To Rise’ newsletter site.
‘The News Early To Rise’ Newsletter
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