Plug the WordPress security hole with “WP Product Protect” #ad
WordPress doesn’t have an inherently secure product delivery system. You may require a buyer to register on your site before downloading your product, but due to WP limitations, other people may be able to register, too, even if they didn’t buy.
If people can find your registration page or Thank You page, they can get in. Apparently, crooks can get most WSOs without paying, since most product WSO creators are using WordPress to deliver their product. This is serious, and Traian Turcu has built a solution, WP Product Protect that can protect you from this theft.
You don’t have to be a programmer and you don’t have to modify how you sell and deliver your products as long as you add the WP Product Protect plugin to your site.
To plug your own security leaks, check out WP Product Protect here.
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