‘PPC Account Review’ SEO Braintrust Webinar 2.00 pm EDT
SEO Braintrust is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, June 6 at 2.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “PPC Account Review”.
Andrea Warner, VP, SEO BrainTrust, says, “On Wednesday, June 6th — Joel is going to pick one lucky website owner and give them a free AdWords account review. Rather than charging his normal $750 rate, he’s going to do it for free!
If you’d like to watch and learn the exact same strategies Joel uses to generate 7, 8 and even 9 figures in sales for his companies.
Even if you’re only spending 3 or 4 figures a month on your accounts, you can use the exact same strategies that Joel uses on accounts spending 5 & 6 figures per month to reduce waste, increase profits, and most importantly – beat the pants off of your competition without them even knowing how you do it”.
Webinar Details
Organizer: SEO Braintrust
Key Person: Joel McDonald
Topic: PPC Account Review
Day/Date: Wednesday, June 6
Time: 2.00 pm EDT – Time Zone Converter
Register for webinar details.
‘PPC Account Review’ Webinar
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