The only problem with problem creation is coming up with the idea for a product and then seeing it to completion. That’s not always easy. But suppose you have someone to build your product for you; maybe this dream of product creation becomes realistic.

Rick Warid has solved your product creation problem by offering you the right to make his new e-book your own. Put your name on it. Change the title; do anything you want to with it to make it ready for your own sales process.

Warid’s new book is called Summer Savings Superstar but that’s just a working title until you create the real title. It’s a book in the family financial management field. The majority os families have no financial cushion if they meet unexpected bills. This book shows the way out of their “hand-to-mouth” financial lifestyle. You get this book in PDF, DOC and ODT formats so you can easily edit it to meet your needs.

Plus you get a complete mini-site to use in selling the book, along with banner ads you can place elsewhere to drive people to your site. Get all the facts about Summer Savings Superstar here.

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