Get important emails sent to your wireless phone #ad
We all get a lot of emails, so many we can hardly keep up. Some of us get so many we go into “email bankruptcy”; we can never catch up. But maybe there’s a solution. Maybe we can separate the “vital few” from the “trivial many”.
Fahad Hassen has created the SMS Alert Setup System to make sure your important emails aren’t overlooked. You can have notices sent to your cell phone. Just the important ones, mind you. Let the others languish in your inbox.
You decide what’s important: spouse, top customers, business partners, Paypal, etc. Only the ones you choose have alerts sent to your phone.
Not every phone system in the world works with this system, but hundreds do and he supplies a list for you to check before investing. And it works with gmail, your private email, and, if you follow his instructions, with AOL, Yahoo and Hotmail.
This can make a difference in critical situations, a difference between success and failure. Get all the facts here.
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