Alex Jeffries is a well-known and successful marketing trainer. He has trained thousands, including a recent Warrior gathering in London. At that conference, he was besieged with questions about the promises and pitfalls of internet marketing. He knew that a lot of the advice being dispensed by gurus didn’t work, so with the prodding from these attendees, he sat down and created The Guru’s Illusion.

This is 1 hour 45 minutes of video training, plus a mind-map and process map. In The Guru’s Illusion he exposes six critical changes you must make to your internet business if you want it to be profitable in the 2012 market environment.

He explains the business model and the marketing strategy that has allowed him to build a superior online business since 2004.

If you want to discover techniques to grab the low-hanging fruit online, find out more about The Guru’s Illusion here.

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