Tony Marriott has released Page One Infiltrator, software that he says can “read Google’s mind.” It’s not easy to get on page 1 these days. Google is vague about what it takes. But even though Google doesn’t say much, it does take action. By watching its actions and listening to the few things it says, and responding appropriately, page one can become a possibility.

Marriott runs a network of 3000 blogs and he has carefully observed the effects of Google’s changes. His perspective has given him valuable insights and he has placed what he now knows in Page One Infiltrator.

Page One Infiltrator is an in-depth SEO analysis tool that takes a search term you specify and compares your site with the sites on page one, checking dozens (up to 100) ranking factors on the top ten sites and your site. It then advises you what to do to improve your ranking. And the method is Penguin-proof, and should work for any algorithm change from Aardvark to Zebra. Compare page one incumbants to candidates and see how they differ. That will always be the right approach.

Find out more about Page One Infiltrator here.

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