Knowing what is working on your website, (and what isn’t) is crucial to improving your results. WP Linkizer plugin gives you detailed statistics on all the links on your site.Which links get clicked and how often. These detailed statistics reveal the number of pages views and click through rate on every link in your blogs content.

Not only that; WP Linkizer does split testing. Set up multiple anchor text phrases to rotate for a link location and display an even number of times. The system defaults to the link that gets the highest CTR thus maximizing your clicks and sales. As results are produced, WP Linkizer automatically starts featuring the anchor text with the best success rate.

WP Linkizer even cloaks your links so they look more professional, and so they appeal to Google better.

WP Linkizer has the potential to improve your blog’s profitability by giving you distinct SEO advantages. Learn more here: WP Linkizer

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