If you have ever studied sales, you will probably recall the AIDA acronym: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action- the progression to a sale. If you don’t get the visitor’s attention, all else is futile. And if you don’t keep their attention long enough to build their interest, you still are without hope of a sale.

There are a lot of factors in getting and keeping attention. Fo one, you are only going to get the attention of the people who want or need what you are offering.

If you can optimize your site with attention-getting “triggers”, you have a chance of making more sales. MAO Flynn and Kevin Byrne have announced  WP Linkizer + that will help hold people’s attention long enough that many people will click on your links.

WP Linkizer is a WordPress plugin that lets you split test the anchor text on your links. You decide on several anchor texts that are worth testing. Put them into  WP Linkizer + and it will automatically rotate them to determine which is best. then it will make the best one the default anchor text.

Google sees all the anchor texts you use over a period of time. Visitors see one each time they visit. That way, you get more attention both by Google and by human visitors. You get more clicks and more Google love.

You can learn the whole story here: WP Linkizer +

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