Clone websites; Sell the Clones to the Owners; They Love it & pay You #ad
PaulBaranowski has found a novel way to earn an income as a consultant to offline businesses who have dabbled online.
Why do they love it? Your clone ranks far better than their original website; that’s why. And you don’t have to be a techie to do it. Baranowski’s WP plugin is the secret sauce that makes the difference.
By targeting businesses that already spend money on a website, sales resistance is minimized. They are proven buyers. You just need to show them your version will be better than the current one. You get marketing and technical help in
Baranowski’s Google Page-One Replacer comes with:
+ Instructions that even a beginner can follow to set up a new clone
+ Explanation of how to find and target businesses that are receptive.
+ SEO eblueprint to rank the new website high.
+ A script for you use follow in your emails to make them sales tools that bypass the cold call process.
But the WP plugin is the heart of thisw product. Using it you can quickly clone the current site, and then make your clone rank.
You cn find out more here: Google Page-One Replacer
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