‘SEO Conferences May Be Dangerous To Your Marriage’ by Jeremy Schoemaker
Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “SEO Conferences May Be Dangerous To Your Marriage”.
Schoemaker says, “There used to be a time when husbands and wives who were left at home while their partners went off to conferences had to worry about whether they were really at the conference or if they jetted off on some romantic holiday with someone else. Well, now they really should be worrying about what goes on at those conferences instead. And if you value your marriage and are thinking about hitting up a conference? You would do well to skip the whole conference scene all together, or limit it to a single day “get in early and leave late” plan rather than be tempted with a lonely night in your hotel room that might not end up being lonely after all”.
SEO Conferences May Be Dangerous To Your Marriage
ShoeMoney Blog
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