Rob Jones has sold over 1000 copies of his new case study,  Overnight Profit Switch< that shows how he makes a good living marketing to a small list of 500 people.

Plus IM NewsWatch offers a bonus for people buying through its link.

This is powerful information. Rob reveals key principles you need to know about email markeing to your mailing list in this live video case study.

You get to look over his shoulder as he works his process step by step. He breaks down the email marketing process so well that you will find it easy to follow.

Jones is an average uy, not someone with impressive credentials. He shows how an average guy can become a successful marketer. He used two emails to a list of 440 people to earn $3500 in two days.

In Overnight Profit Switch, you get the videos as he goes through the process, and you get the emails he sent out plus his analysis of what he put into the emails and why.

If you buy (or already have bought) from this link, send you Paypal receipt to, and at no additional charge, you will receive:
Access your Make Cash Fast-5 strategies for making $500 in 1 week or less…using the marketing skills you already have but aren’t using

Split Testing Mayhem– This brief conceptual guide will ensure that you approach split testing the right way

Your email marketing can produce better results if you tune it right.Go here to learn more: Overnight Profit Switch

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