Rob Howard, the author of 30 Minute Product Creation guarantees you can create a product in 30 minutes using this method (which doesn’t involve PLR or MRR), or he will give you your money back.

Creating simple products, not encyclopedic products, is the key to a successful business. This simple 5-step system is the key to creating simple products, products your clients will actually use (and remember you for.) Teach them one or two important lessons, and stop there. If there are more lessons, they can go into another product.

He advocates using outsourcing (e.g., on Fiverr) to keep your time involvement low. More time is spent, but it’s somebody else’s time.

By the way, 30 Minute Product Creation was itself created using this method.

Besides the main training, Howard includes a mindmap for the process. Get the whole story here: 30 Minute Product Creation

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