Don’t you hate it when you have already subscribed to a list, but you keep getting requests to subscribe when you visit the website? Wouldn’t it be smart to tailor the message visitors see on your site based on whether they are subscribed or not?

Well, you can do that with Mark Thompson’s Good Karma Press. If the visitor is not on your list, they are asked to join. If they are on your list, they are asked to share your site with friends on social media. And, either way, they are offered an incentive to follow-through.

You can place a free report or other reward in a protected place and release it to them when they follow-through. They get a reward and you get more subscribers.

Good Karma Press pops-up a custom lightbox that shows two messages, one for subscribers and one for others. You don’t annoy people with a message that doesn’r apply to them.

When you buy from this link, IM NewsWatch has 4 bonuses for you. Send

Want to improve your customer list? Get Good Karma Press.

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