This ad is a so-called “interstitial” ad, of the simplest type. It appears in the stream of posts on our site, mixed with other posts on the home page.

It has been shown that interstitial ads are the most productive kind. We employ them; so do many other large blogs. NewsWatch does a little, but to get the most out of interstitial ads, we (and you) need to do more with them.

Beyond the typical text ad, with WP-TreasureLinker, your interstitial ads can show banners, even full-page graphics, when someone clicks on one of your links to, for example, any page on your blog. You see this kind of ad a lot on video sites. Before you see the video you want, you see a commercial first. Now you can do the same on your blog.

With this new approach, you can link (easily) to your ads from your Facebook and Twitter accounts
• Manage links in your ads (change them as needed) automatically or manually. Even more, you can:
• Place timer in your ads for greater urgency
• Track stats on your clicks so you’ll know which ads are working
• Many more helpful ad customizations

Don’t wait; they say they will end this sale soon.(A single site license is under $10; a developer’s license is under $20) Go here now: WP-TreasureLinker

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