Successful Kindle authors are pooling their wisdom to assist each other in getting the most profit from their Kindle books, in a group called a “mastermind”. Masterminds are frequently used as a group help tool. By pooling their knowledge, the result is greater than any one of them could have had as a lone wolf.

They are led by Shola, who gets high marks from well-known marketers. For example, Justin Wheeler says,”She is incredibly sharp and very focused on her goals and long been one of my go to people for great advice. I have frequently spent hours with her on Skype discussing various aspects of business in general.”

In this mastermind there are over over 140 members. Together, they have gotten over 100,000s downloads, so they have a lot of experience to share. This is a live community with people from around the world, many different niches – you can get help 24/7

If you are a Kindle author looking for lots of great ideas and support from other Kindle publishers, check into this mastermind here:: Kindle Mastermind group

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