ZonParison WP Plugin (and theme) for affiliate marketers #ad
Attractive tables that compare multiple products do a lot to make your website look professional.
, lets you easily add this function to your WordPresssite.
Product comparisons always make a big difference, people like to compare products they’re going to buy. With the plugin, you can target many buyer keywords like:
“compare product x with product y”
“product x & product y comparison” and many more
You can insert links to graphics (or, for that matter, any HTML) in the comparison table.
The plugin comes with a developer’s license, so you can build as many sites as you may need, for yourself or for clients. In addition, you get a personal unlimited license to an attractive Amazon theme theme that works well with this plugin and other major Amazon affiliate plugins, and comes bundled with over 30 chostrtcodes to make it easy to use.
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