Sometimes, affiliates are not as excited about your product as you are- and that’s an understatement.

You need to nudge them along by making it easy to promote your product. Mark hess’s new WP Promo Tools makes it easy for you to offer a page of promo tools for your affiliates. On his sales page, he demos the tool to show how easy it is.

WP Promo Tools is compatible with any WordPress theme, and with all the popular JV affiliate platforms, such as Clickbank, JVZoo, and Warrior P_lus.

When the affiliate goes to your JV page and inserts their afiliate link, all the promotional materials automatically get udated to include their link. This makes it super easy for them to promote your product.

As with all his products, Hess made this plugin self-updating, so you don’t miss out on any improvements he makes. Hess is also including a developer’s license with the plugin so you can use it as much as you like for yourself or your clients.

If you have an product, make it easy for your affiliates to sell it. Check out this new plugin here: WP Promo Tools

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