$1500+ a Day? Expert Interview On Building High Quality Customer Lists Via PPC #ad
“$1500+ a Day” is an expert interview with Don Burk, who has 25 years marketing experience. Pay attention to what he says. Don really simplifies the entire process in this interview and Gerald Gigerl, who interviews him, does a great job of asking the right questions.
In this training, you discover:
• How to make up to $30,000 profit from a single PPC campaign.
• How Don makes up to $1670 a day from PPC and how YOU CAN TOO.
• How to develop a high quality customer list via PPC.
• What you need to know about building a high quality List.
• Why paid search traffic is one of the most substantial traffic sources on the internet.
• What you can do when your AdWords account gets suspended or your ads/landing pages get disapproved.
• How you can choose the best possible keywords for your promotion product.
• And many more tips and techniques
Pay per Click (PPC) can be an effective method for building your list. But if you go about it the wrong way, it can cost you a lot of money. Find out how the experts do it here: $1500+ a Day
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