The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released.

Mark Ford says, “The average Nicaraguan is born in a shack with a dirt floor and earns less than $60 per month.

Enrique, my handyman/gardener in Nicaragua, does better than that. He makes about $150 per month in salary and another $50 or so in tips and side jobs. In the United States, Enrique could earn that much in two or three days. In fact, the kid who does the same work for me at my home in Florida makes $2,000 per month.

This disparity in compensation is one of the reasons why, despite the dangers and difficulties involved, more than 500,000 people try to sneak into the United States of America each year. We are still the land of opportunity to some”.

From Pool Boy to Entrepreneur

‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

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