You can bypass lots of typical and sometimes costly marketing tools (PPC, list building, Facebook ads, a website of your own, products you develop, etc) by properly using the site, a popular social site for business people.

Facebook is focused on social interaction among friends. LinkedIn is focused on social interaction among business people. People go there for business, and they won’t be surprised (otr offended) if you want to do business there, too.

William Meers and T Helton have released LI Alliance to show you how to find marketing success on LinkedIn.

The heart of their system is forming strategic alliances with people wanting to work in alliance with people like you. In LI Alliance, Meers and Helton show you:
• How to optimize your LinkedIn Profile to make potential partners to interested in working with you.

• How to identify a problems shared by a group of LinkedIn members and then how to find a product that solves that problem
• How to bring the selected product to the people with the problem.

Besides the basic training, you get a tactic to increase the people interested in connecting with you and three other bonuses.

You can see more about this new LinkedIn marketing process, and get your copy here: LI Alliance

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