Videos are powerful marketing tools, and so are podcasts. When you combine them your marketing can improve even more.

Richard Galko researched, experimented and refined until he came up with what he calls his Mind Numbing Profits Video and Podcast Marketing Strategy.

In it he defines an 18-point plan for dominating your niche using video and podcasts.

This is a detailed, comprehensive look at what it takes to build your marketing plan around videos (particularly videos on YouTube) and poscasts. It includes over 200 pages of detailed information you can refer to over and over, on topics like:
• How YouTube’s ranking algorithm works and how you can take advantage of it
• Three ways to build captivating videos
• How to help your videos go viral
• How to ride on other people’s vieo trailers
• Many other relevant techniques you can use in your own marketing

Besides this main training, Galko includes bonuses that are themselves worth more than his small price:
1. Instant Video Article software- turns your articles into videos
2. Instand Video marketing Secrets training
3. Video Sales Factory software
4. Using Video on Your Websites training
5. YouTube Backgrounds
6-10 Five more fascinating bonus products to help you build you podcast and video marketing.

You can get this huge bundle for under $10 here: Mind Numbing Profits Video and Podcast Marketing

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