Mike McKay recently released one of his Amazon affiliate bundles, this one: Amazon Affiliate Home Heater Package.

As winter comes to the northern hemisphere, people around the world want to stay warm. These heaters sold on Amazon will be sold to thousands of homes. Amazon affiliates who bring the buyers to Amazon will be paid well.

As McKay always does, he has build a robust package for this niche:
• 50 video reviews of top Amazon heaters selling for at least $100 and having good ratings by Amazon customers. They include royalty-free music and images for high impact
• Hundreds of keywords in the home heater niche, along with search statistics (divided in to electric heaters, gas heaters and general indoor heaters)

• Hundreds of exact match domain names you can use to set up a new Amazon affiliate site, similarly divided
• Six home heating banner graphics you can use on your new websites
• 138 articles on home heating that you can use as blog content
• Three home energy and heating e-books you can sell or give away to build traffic
• 3 blog headers and 3 footers for your home heating sites
• Software to auto-post to your blog, plus u=other bonuses to round out the package

You can still profit from getting a home heating site running. With this package you will have all the content you need and you will have 50 Amazon affiliate opportunities with these 50 products.

Find out all the details here: Amazon Affiliate Home Heater Package

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