Trust Establisher builds credibility for your site and product #ad
Trust Establisher™ cleverly integrates directly with both Paypal’s AND Clickbank’s Cheat-proof “IPN CODING” which allows your customers to see in real-time exactly how many of your prior sales were made to their neighbors in their own state, to their fellow citizens in their home country, and to other highly satisfied customers throughout the world.
Trust Establisher creates a map on your site with push-pins identifying the location of your existing customers. You visitors see how widely known and accepted your company and your product are. It’s social proof with real power to persuade.
Second, it places a seal of approval on your site that signifying that your site has been approved by the issuing organization, which offers further proof of your trustworthiness.
Use your Trust Establisher in your sales letter, on your website sales page, on your download page, anywhere people have a tendency to doubt, wonder or fear.
This way your visitors can easily understand that every Trust Establisher™ consumer trust seal automatically displays 3 things all thanks to PHP coding:
1. The total number of sales made for that website’s product or service
2. The actual date they visited your web page
3. And “Data Verified”
This way you’re your website visitors can easily recognize that Trust Establisher is a highly trust worthy and legitimate independent 3rd party authority.
You need to be trusted if you are going to succeed online. Check out this third-party trust seal and what it can do for you: Trust Establisher
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