WP Banner Chameleon: Sophisticated banner management for yout WordPress site #ad
Banner ads can bring in a lot of income for a popular website. The trick is to manage those ads wisely. Some are good fits for your visitors and get lots of clicks. Others may look good on the service, but never appeal to your site visitors.
You need good information on which banners are getting clicked and a good process for weeding out the ones that aren’t working. Canadian marketer, Dylan K has just released WP Banner Chameleon to solve these problems and more.
With this new plugin, you can:
• Show a visitor exactly the right banner for the particular content they are viewing
• Change your banners in the blink of a eye across your whole website
• Forget messing with shortcodes; it’s easier with this plugin
• Automate Banner Placement
• Maintain full control over your banners and banner widgets, for example, place a specific banner on a post/page
• Use either HTML banners or image banners or both
• You can automatically add banners to the top and bottom of posts on as many pages/posts you have within 3 clicks
• It rotates banners so you can see which works best
That last point deserves a little more detail. WP Banner Chameleon will rotate all banners in a group (and you get to define which banners are in that group) to show in a specific area on your pages or posts. It rotates the banners in the group evenly. You can set it up to run a certain number of impressions and record the results. At that time, it will pick your best-performing banner, and will e-mail you the results.
Here is a way to finally know what people are actually doing when they visit your WordPress website. And now that you know the facts, you can omit the low-performing banners (and, possibly, add new ones) to improve sales.
And the proce Dylan has seleted for this powerful plugin is remarkable: $9.97. You can get your copy here: WP Banner Chameleon
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