Hardly any site has more authoritative content than Wikipedia. It
is cited all over the web, and seen offline.

Now, with Wiki Word Plugin you can quickly and easily pull this
authoritative content into your blog or other WordPress site.

Since Wikipedia content is all licensed under the Gnu Public
License and similar free-use licenses, you are free to use it at will
on your site.

Wikipedia’s content is keyword-rich and when you embed it on your
site, your own keyword density improves, too.

That’s not all Wiki Word Plugin can do for you; it has several more functions.
Together, these capabilities will keep visitors on your sites longer,
devouring your content, which will also improve your SEO.

Quality content for your site is one of the biggest hurdles a
market faces. Wikipedia has more content than you could ever use. This
content can improve an existing site and can help you build a new site
from scratch.

For about $20, you can get a developer’s license
here: Wiki Word Plugin

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