People trust online reviews. Because of this, before a purchase of any significant size, they seek out reviews so they can form their opinion and make their decision.

This is a business opportunity for us. We can become consultants helping local businesses to improve their review success. We can deliver a reputation management system that will improve their reviews so their reputation will soar.

Dave Iago has just relaunched SMSchema, a system for soliciting good reviews that get posted on the business website and for handling bad reviews privately.

When you think of how many restautants there are in the world, for example, you can hardly comprehend how big this market is. And the top target (but not the only one) of SMSchema is restaurants.

Customer reviews have been with us for a long time. First, it was a pencil and paper comment that went into a suggestion box or was mailed to company leaders. Then, online websites started collecting reviews from people after they returned home, turned on their computer and went to a review website.

These old systems had some value, but the difficulty meant that few people bothered. Now, with this system, customers are invited, while still in the restaurant, to send an SMS message with their phone to your review site, with their review. And the business can offer an incentive (a free dessert on the next visit, for example) to increase reviews further.

It’s so much less trouble so many more reviews are given. And the nicest thing about it is what happens next:
• You get to sort reviews into positive ones and others. The positive ones can be automatically posted to the business WordPress website or manually posted to an HTML site; other can be directed to management for remedial action
• You can send follow-up questions to reviewers to gt them to expand their short comments into a full-blown testimonial
• Reviewer contact information is captured in a database so future marketing messages can be sent to them. It integrates with aWeber, iContact, Mail Chimp and ConstantContact. You can also send SMS messages to their phones.
• You can reward reviewers with a coupon having an expiration date, so they will return for more.
• You can display star ratings and reviews anywhere on the business WordPress site, using simple shortcodes.

Businesses live and die by their reputation. Here’s one way to assure that reputation grows constantly.It’s easy to implement and can provide a long-term monthly income to you as you manage their reputation for them.

This week, SMSchema is on an introductory WSO sale to get its buzz going, but sometime next week it moves to Clickbank at a high price. If you want it, then now is the time to take action.

You can see more about it and get your own copy here: SMSchema

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