Simple Social Traffic: How to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social sites for traffic #ad
Marketers can’t afford to ignore social sites any longer. They are becoming an integral part of our society. Mike Buontempo and Bobby George have been experimenting with several social sites to discover how to best use the for marketing.
In Simple Social Traffic, which documents their successful methods, Buontempo and George share:
• How to quickly build a network of thousands of followers
• The way to capture leads from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social sites
• How to monetize the social traffic you get
• How to automate your social marketing
• How to avoid wasting time and money on social traffic
Simple Social Traffic is a concrete plan for action. It contains over the shoulder videos showing how Buontempo and George actually set up marketing campaigns on these social sites. These are organic methods, not PPC, and have gained them over 10,000 followers.
By engaging social visitors on those sites, you can build a relationship so that when you invite them to an offer on your website, they are inclined to check it out.
Get this simple proven blueprint for building your followers and fans here: Simple Social Traffic
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