Anthony Tilley is his name, and you may never have heard of him
because he’s an underdog affiliate. But in Alex Jeffreys’s recent
Unreported Marketing product launch he had more affiliate sales
than Mike Filsaime, John Thornhill, Jeff Dedrick or Dean Holland. This
underdog beat all these gurus.

In Affiliate Underdog, simple, step-by-step video training course,
Tilley reveals the exact strategy he used to win the year’s biggest
launch in the “Make Money Online” niche, and how you can put his
experience to work immediately in any niche of Affiliate

Affiliate Underdog offers you:
• Step-by-Step video training for the process that even underdogs
can employ (you can watch online or download the videos.)
• An MP3 version of the training so you can listen while driving
or working
• A mind map of the whole process to refer to while putting it
into practice
• A checklist to use each time you promote a product so you won’t
overlook anything
• Software that Tilley says can dramatically increase how many
people see your affiliate ads; he inclides full instructions.

Affiliate marketing has many advantages, but one advantage you
might not think of is that the people whose products you promote
become your allies once they know you and trust you. Tilley has found
that they will promote your products if you successfully promote

This on sale for $27, but Tilley says he will raise the price soon
to over $500.

Get in on this 95% temporary discount here: Affiliate Underdog

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