“Mobile Splash” welcomes mobile visitors to your site #ad
If your website is among the majority that don’t give mobile visitors a good experience, you could be losing a lot of clients, and ultimately, a lot of sales.
Mobile Splash aims to make sure that your mobile visitors. When Adam Jackson noticed that mobile site visitors were beginning to outnumber visitors from PCs, he decided he had better get his sites (and his client sites) ready.
He noticed that typical opt-in forms don’t work well to convert movbile visitors because they are bothersome to fill in on a mobile device. So he looked into other ways to keep his visitors’ attention. He found that Apple has this problem on their website, in spades, because 92% of Apple’s visitors arrive on an iPad or iPhone. If it didn’t handle these visitors well, it would lose almost all its traffic and its revenue.
Apple checks which device the visitor has and customizes the visitor experience for that device. For example, there’s an app to let the user easily consume Apple information, but to download the app, Android users go to the Google Play download site, while iPad and iPhone users need to go to the Apple App Store.
Providing this kind to customized experience manually takes a lot of work, so Jackson created Mobile Splash software.
This Windows software lets you easily create custom messages for Android user, and one for iPad/iPhone users, leaving the default action for all others.
Now your visitors can be sent to a different page (for example, a different sales page) depending on their device. Creative marketers will find this ability to route visitors to multiple places valuable.
In this WSO, you get both a version of Mobile Splash for HTML sites and a second version for WordPress sites. And, you get a developoer’s license so you can use this technique on client sites, aw well as your own sites.
This product is well under $20, but it’s rising constantly. You can learn more about it here: Mobile Splash
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