WordPress has great ease of use, but hackers have learned to exploit its vulnerabilities. Site owners need to make changes to close as many loopholes as possible.

A few months ago, IM NewsWatch profiled Robert Vance’s WordPress Security Dashboard (no longer available) that showed how to improve WordPress security.

Now Vance has released WP Security Plus, that actually implements most of the security precautions you need for your WordPress site. (Vance recommends that you install a couple of free security plugins to add additional security. He saw no reason to duplicate their functionality, since they are free.)

The new plugin neutralizes many security threats, specifically:
• Prevents URL Injection
• Protects Against Weak Passwords
• Prevents Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
• Protects With Auto Logout
• Prevents Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
• Protects sensitive configuration files
• Prevents Brute Force Attacks
• Sends Email Alerts

Increase your peace of mind and stop hackers with the additional security this plugin provides

Find it here: WP Security Plus

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