Chris Munch’s Signal Pigeon for top-notch SEO #ad
Signal Pigeon is a detailed analysis of Google’s Seven Critical Ranking Signals used to determine a site’s position in the rankings.
It’s a Video Masterclass explaining the 6 Rankings Signals Google now uses to rank any website in ANY niche.
Along with the video training, you will also receive a specific action plan you use to rank any of your own sites higher, which will give you a competitive advantage since most other marketers are leaving out at least one piece of the puzzle (if not more!).
SEO is still the single biggest traffic generation Topic in internet marketing. It is also the most searched for traffic keyword (according to WarriorPlus.) Many other SEO products leave out one or more critical Ranking Factors. Besides that, Google’s “New Value Economy” requires a different, more comprehensive approach to SEO.
In Signal Pigeon, you receive a 30 Minute video presentation that details each of the 6 Ranking Signals Google uses to rank websites in its New Value Economy, which is vital information for any online marketer involved with SEO.
In this training,
• You will discover why keywords and backlinks shouldn’t be your main concern anymore, and you’ll even see on the sales page how one site generates 5 Figure monthly traffic without ANY link-building whatsoever.
• You will receive The Signal Pigeon’s “Ranking Checklist”, which acts as both an SEO Reference Guide and SEO Cheat Sheet, to ensure you are never overwhelmed by SEO or stuck as to ‘what to do next’ in your SEO campaign.
• Signal Pigeon gives Beginner and Advanced Marketers alike a massive competitive advantage in their ranking efforts. Even some SEO “experts” don’t address all of these issues.
• The video is about 90 minutes long. It gives you vital actionable information that you can use in your business.
• In Signal Pigeon, you will discover the single rule to follow that will help you gain better rankings as you grow your business. Understanding this rule will help you succeed today, and survive through future Google updates tomorrow.
• Discover the biggest Mistake Marketers are still making when creating their site content. This error not only wastes your time but can actually get you penalized by Google in the process.
• If you want to know the real facts behind post-Penguin backlinks and what Google looks at in your backlink profile in 2012, you’ll want to investigate Signal Pigeon. This will get clear up any confusion’ you may have about backlinks and give you a simple plan to follow in your traffic campaigns.
• This is a no-nonsense approach to On-Page SEO and how to develop a truly Google-Friendly site, while avoiding the ‘over-optimization’ others sometimes get into. This strategy directly improves several other ranking factors to enhance your ranking potential even further.
• Discover The Least Talked About Ranking Signal in place today, and the one which is becoming more and more important as time goes by… Apply this to your business now and surpass any competitors who ignore it and get left behind.
• Uncover the Most Influential Factor in modern day site ranking, which determines whether a site survives the Panda update or gets discarded to the back pages. Put your focus on this and you’ll not only achieve higher rankings, but a more profitable business overall.
• A Detailed Checklist Of Each Ranking Signal with a description of exactly what Google looks for. Use this as an easily accessible reference point to determine what you need to focus on next to achieve your front page rankings.
• How this information applies specifically to your business and what changes you may make in your marketing plan is unique to you.
As you start to use Signal Pigeon, it’s likely you will have a major paradigm shift in how you do your online marketing, allowing you to make substantial progress with your business.
Experienced Search Engine marketers will already have a good understanding of what is in the video, but even they will likely discover something new that they had not considered previously.
Besides the video, a mind-map is a available so you can see a summary of the important points.
Take a minute to get the whole story here: Signal Pigeon
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