HubSpot has released a free ebook titled “How to Attract Customers with Facebook”.

The HubSpot team says, “67% of B2C companies and 41% of B2B companies have acquired a customer from Facebook. With over 950 million people on Facebook, there are probably some customers waiting for you on there, too. Are you using Facebook as a customer acquisition tool yet?

Learn how to increase the ROI of your Facebook efforts and attract leads and customers through your campaigns. This ebook will walk you through the steps of planning, implementing, and measuring a successful organic and paid Facebook strategy.

After reading this ebook, you will be able to:

  • Plan out a successful Facebook marketing campaign
  • Segment your audience for best results
  • Allocate budget aligned with your business’s goals
  • Analyze the success of your campaign in order to make improvements”.

HubSpot’s ‘How to Attract Customers with Facebook’ eBook

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