My Recommended Posts WP Plugin: better audience engagement #ad
Keeping visitors on your site is key for increasing your opt-ins and sales. After they have poked around and learned what your site is really about, they start to know, like, and trust you. If they read an article they like, they naturally wonder if you have more on that topic.
Josh Precht has just released My Recommended Posts, a plugin that makes it easy to find related posts that will interest a visitor who wants more content. Your bounce rate goes down and your page views go up.
The related posts are shown at the bottom of a post, and can be formatted in your choice of 4 layouts (horizontal or vertical, with or without images). If you prefer, you can place the related posts in a sidebar instead.
Precht is only charging $9.95 for this plugin, and that includes a developer’s license.
You can see samples of the related posts and get your own copy here: My Recommended Posts
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