Syndication Rockstar: Rising in the SERPs #ad
At noon EST, a new tool for improving your position in the search engine results pages (SERPs) wil be released. It’s called Syndication Rockstar.
Syndication is a familiar tool in the publishing world. Pundits syndicate their articles. Cartoonists syndicate their cartoons. An article is sent to many outlets where it is published, essentially unchanged, many times. This has value for the creator (they influence many more people this way) and for the publisher (they get high quality content without having to pay a full-time salary.
Web creators now have a process that lets them syndicate their own content and spread it around the web. Again there is value for the creator as well as for the publisher.
Syndication Rockstar is a WordPress plugin that uses the built-in WordpPress capabilities to spread your content to major sites around the web.
This plugin has a couple of special features that are shown in this short video: Syndication Rockstar, And once you have it set up, this syndication happens on 100% autopilot.
This syndication can even take existing links you have and make them even more valuable for you. And there are other subtle ways Syndication Rockstar can increase your rankings and traffic.
Here are some of the reasons you need to check out Syndication Rockstar:
• It’s 100% automated when set up.
• You do not have to be an SEO Expert (Newbie friendly).
• It builds massive authority, rankings and conversions.
• It’s 100% Google (Panda,Penguin,Skunk, whatever) friendly.
• It plugs straight into your WordPress based site.
• It can even generate authority high-quality content for you
• There are no monthly fees.
This is just the tip of the iceberg for the hidden benefits inside this plugin. And the doors open at noon EST. Before then, you can get on the early bird list.
You can see the video and get all the details here: Syndication Rockstar
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