The days of webmasters who try to trick Google are numbered. It’s only a matter of time before they realize their old-school methods that tried to trick Google are counterproductive. Google can hardly ever be tricked these days. It’s a waste of time to try.

Instead, spend your time writing content that informs people and impresses Google favorably. These two goals are related. If your content is helpful to people, and isn’t written to trick Google, then Google will be impressed.

Ryan Stevenson’s latest Plugin, WP Semantic, is designed to help you write better quality content that is consistent with Google’s principles, so, when you use it, your SEO will improve.

If you don’t have a WordPress site, you get access to the same helpful content in a web version.

It’s important to know that this plugin doesn’t use Google keyword information that everyone else is using. Rather, behind this plugin, there’s significant research into real world websites, covering millions of subjects. The result of that research is “an accurate list of relational (that is, related to your subject matter) words that you can use in your content to increase the variety of your content, making it more interesting and, at the same time, making it more attractive to Google.

The plugin generates up to 300 semantically-related keyword for any word in your text.

You also get an SEO Guide for writing content the search engines like.

You receive a personal, unlimited domain license for WP Semantic, which allows you to use it on as many of your own sites as you want. A developers license is offered as an upsell.

Find out more here: WP Semantic Plugin

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