Armand Morin’s WebCamp Seminar, Raleigh, NC – April 12-14
Armand Morin is holding WebCamp Seminar in Raleigh, NC on April 12-14. The seminar can be attended in person or online. According to Morin, only 30 persons will be able to attend the seminar in person.
The WebCamp List Building Schedule April 12-14, 2013
Day One
- Optin Psychology
- The 60% Optin Page
- Hidden Optin Pages
- Video Optin Pages
- Full Screen Optin Pages
- Optin Vs. Newsletters
Day Two
- The Monetization Factor
- Creating a Report Factory
- Easy Video Creation
- Give Away The Farm
- Follow-Up Sequence
- Tracking & Conversions
- The Ad Psychology Dilemma
Day Three
- Full Force Traffic
- Cheap Traffic Methods
- FaceBook Advertising
- PPV Ads and Optins
- Bing Content Network
- Google Content Network
- 100,000 List Strategy!
Morin says, “You come to Raleigh, NC, we will give you the hotel details where you should stay. It’s up to you to pay for your airfare and hotel. Each morning of the event, I’ll arrange transportation to pick you up and bring you to and from the hotel each day. The event will be approximately from 10:00am – 6:00pm each day. During the day I’ll provide everything you’ll need. I’ll provide drinks, lunches everyday and of course the training itself. On Sunday night, I’ll be taking everyone out for an incredible dinner and I’m paying for it!”
Armand Morin’s WebCamp Seminar, Raleigh, NC – April 12-14
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