Download: Yesmail’s ‘2013 Yesmail Email Design Lookbook’
Yesmail has released the “2013 Yesmail Email Design Lookbook”.
The Yesmail team says, “Are your email campaigns missing pieces of flare? Download Yesmail’s annual lookbook to learn email design practices that contribute to better open, click-through and conversation rates. The lookbook showcases real-world email campaigns that incorporate cutting edge design concepts, such as:
- Mobile scalable hybrid layout—one layout for big and small screens alike that’s 100% readable and functional, with no zooming or pinching required
- Dynamic content display—message content changes based on user data like location
- Click-to-launch app—a call-to-action that launches a smartphone app or desktop application”.
Yesmail’s ‘2013 Yesmail Email Design Lookbook’
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