Tom Mitchell has release 18 new professional-quality Squidoo Templates you can use on Squidoo or in an independent website to earn affiliate commissions from Amazon.

These templates can be used to sell any Amazon product by simply plugging in the appropriate links to the picture and Amazon product information for the products you want to promote.

These templates are pure HTML files that can be used as website templates, as well as templates for a Squidoo lens.

Simply copy & paste them into your lens and modify a handful of tokens. In 2 minutes you can add a professional template to your lens, that you can fill in with product information of your choice; then add your affiliate link, and you’re done.

The templates are in various formats. Some are for a lens that promotes a single product; others compare multiple products.

These high-end HTML templates, that you can use in all your lenses, really make them stand out. You can even use the templates on your own websites. You also receive the two bonus guides:
• Amazon Review site Blueprint
• Cashing in with Squidoo Individual Product Lenses

And you get full instructions (including a video) for setting up your lenses with these templates.

If you have always wanted to get into marketing on Squidoo, you can start quickly by loading these templates into your lenses and just adding Amazon product information. Get your copy here: Squidoo Templates

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