Without a list of opt-in email addresses, you’ll have trouble building a business that will last. With a list, you hsve a ready-made market for your products and for affiliate products you promote.

Mike Cowles and Niky Ray have produced video training they call List Building Pro to show you how to quickly build a list that will bring you both near-term and long-term revenue.

This in-depth training shows you how to get people onto your first list (it’s “first” because they recommend that you build two more lists besides this one)

They explain how to create what they call “the ultimate gift”, one that people will be eager to get, so eager that they will gladly give you their email address so they can get it.

They reveal where to find free software that will help you build your business and operate it to get the most results in minimal time.

The whole training laays out a list-building process from start to finish, and presents it in a way that makes it easy to follow.

This training is both in video form (to make the ideas they present as vivid as possible) and in audio (so you can absorb the ideas wherever you are). Plus you get a mind-map to summarize everything in a quick action guide. And to top it all off, you get resale and PLR rights.

This is a topic every marketer needs to master. The price is about $24, but it’s rising. Get your copy here: List Building Pro

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