Cash Syphon: A simple technique for consistent income online #ad
Last week, Lexi B launched : Product Pirate, which has sold out. But she has now released a new offer that may be even better. Cash Syphon.
This new product is about 2 things.
1. Building a list of buyers (not people who want a free PDF then never open another email)
2. Strategic Offer Sequencing – how to manage the interaction with your list so they buy from you over and over again. There’s a specific way to do it and it’s not just ‘pick an offer and mail’. It’s about planning it out in a specific way that maximizes the benefit for both you and the subscriber.
Cash Syphon isn’t a magic bullet; it requires work, but the process is a matter of copying what you see Lexi doing, no genius is required.
With this system, you aren’t dependent on Google, on Social Media, or on Forums (including the Warrior forum and WSOs.)
Lexi shows you how she sets up a “Syphon” site in 15 minutes. Once she sets it up, she moves on and forgets it while is brings in passive income.
She gets 100 opt-ins (all of them also buyers) daily from her sites. And she shows you how in Cash Syphon.
She also gives you her “get started quick action plan”, including email swipes and templates you can use.
You can build a business with devoted fans if you treat them right. Lexi shows you how here: Cash Syphon
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