WP Stealth Note: Better engagement with your visitors #ad
Available at 11 AM EDT, a new simple WordPress plugin (1) makes your visitors “like” you more, (2) gets you more Google traffic and (3) boosts your profits.
George Katsoudas, the developer of many WordPress plugins, is offering WP Stealth Note WordPress Plugin at a discount beginning at 11 AM.
Katdsoudas noticed that he wasn’t getting the sales he expected on his blog. People were visiting, but weren’t finding it compelling and would leave quickly. And after surveying his visitors, he discovered that they thought is was band, cookie-cutter and faceless.
To counteract that perception, he needed to inject more of his personality into it so there was a real person people could get to know, like and trust. WP Stealth Note WordPress Plugin met that need for him and now we get to share in its power.
This new plugin creates a message window for first-time visitors that lets you:
1) Include a small picture of yourself in the message window to help your visitors feel connected to you (people remember human faces more than any other type of picture).
2. Include a short, personal message to new visitors.
3) Link to a page on your blog that reviews a product you own or are an affiliate for. This is an easy way to divert incoming traffic to a specific offer you know converts well.
4) Include an opt-inform in the message window, and ask your visitors to give you their email in exchange for something cool that they will find valuable.
5) Create a YouTube video and include it in the message. It’s a well-documented fact that videos convert much better than simple text.
So you can pretty much put any HTML you want into the message. In fact, you can even rotate 3 different messages to see which one brings the most conversions.
You can control the positioning of the message window, its size, its time-delay, as well as colors that are used,
It’s simple to use, as well. You c an simply and easily swap out your message so that your visitors are up to date with your latest news and offers. Depending on how you decide to use your message window, you may want to to appear only once, or on a schedule you determine.
George is known for his quality software. This plugin continues in that tradition. Check out a demo site, learn more about it, and get your own copy here: WP Stealth Note WordPress Plugin
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