Epic Software Service: A service to attract webmasters and marketers to your site #ad
You can promote your site virally by offering a URL shortening service. Give away this service; it’s good for your business because when people shorten URLs with you, they URLs look like http://yoursite.com/theirtag. Everywhere they use their URL your site is mentioned, so your fame spreads by their actions.
Doug Precht has created a script that you can place on your site to create a URL shortening service. He calls it Epic Software Service.
This shortener has several premium features:
• It allows the user to select a custom keyword for their link, so they can have a meaningful phrase, not a string of gibberish.
• It provides statistics for the links it creates, such as clicks, referrer tracking, and geo-location. And it integrates with WordPress
Use it on nearly any webhost because its technical requirements are minimal. And even beginners can use it successfully, because the requirements on them are minimal, too.
Currently, it’s only $2.26 (but the price is rising.) Get it here: Epic Software Service
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