Rob Howard is acquainted with this girl and her family, and helped them market her book.

To be fair, he says she is a great writer with a lot of potential – and her parents support her in a lot of ways (for example, they offered their eyes to help her edit it). So don’t think this technique will turn junk into gold. You need to have a good book you want to promote.

That said, she wasn’t getting any sales until she and her parents tried this technique, 10 yr old girl’s winning promotion for her Kindle book. It took this young author from 0 sales to about a dozen a day. Then it bumped her book up in the amazon rankings, which further sent her more sales. Then this process built a list of close to 1000 people. And the whole process took about 5 minutes to set up, according to Howard.

By the way, Rob is recommending that we don’t use KDP Free Days, so that isn’t a part of this strategy. Instead, Howard says this 5-minute strategy is a hybrid of offline and online and only takes about 5 minutes.

One buyer says, “It’s a great business strategy for authors. It’s definitely not a ‘get rich in 23 hours’ scheme. Most authors will be glad to have this strategy in their arsenal, as an additional way of doing promotion and increasing overall income.”

Be aware that it costs $29 to get the whole strategy, so it’s probably only for serious Kindle authors. You can get it here: 10 yr old girl’s winning promotion for her Kindle book

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