Link Cracker: So you can bypass TinyURL, and their kin #ad
There are a lot of reasons for marketers to cloak links, but cloaking also has its downside. It makes people suspicious of what you might be hiding, and, as usually practiced, it looks very “commercial”, not natural. Not to mention what they do to your SEO.
But these disadvantages are eliminated with Link Cracker. This new software handles cloaking and redirection without going to any external service whose reputation you can’t control. All your cloaked links are seen as sub-directories on your own site; you don’t share a host site with thousands of other marketers, including a few spammers and scammers.
Using Link Cracker helps establish your brand and domain as a location your customers and readers can trust. Your click-throughs should benefit from the increased trust.
Link Cracker has a surprising array of capabilities. With it you can:
• Create redirect links using your own domain name
• Create cloaking links using your own domain name
• Create 301 redirects (this type of redirect tells the search engines it’s a permanent link, which gives it more authority.)
• Rotate multiple URL targets (for different offers or the same offer)
• Create ‘split tests’ for unlimited URLs or landing pages
• Track click-throughs for each redirect or cloaking link you create
• Instantly activate and deactivate links and set a default link that deactivated links redirect to
• Set links to ‘expire’ so they redirect after a product launch ends
• Use ‘Stealth Tracking’ to bypass optin pages and link straight to the sales page yet still set your tracking cookie
• Organise all your marketing links with one easy interface
• Many other features and benefits
You have a choice of three licenses, single, multi-site and developer, depending on your needs.
This will improve your site’s reputation in ways a shared service never can. You can find out more here: Link Cracker
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