Video Conversion Cash Machine: 5-Step Formula For Creating Video Saleletters #ad
Top-selling products use a video sales letter on their sales page. How about you? Without a video, you are missing a lot of persuasive power that could be turned loose to bring in more sales.
Mike Thomas has just released Video Conversion Cash Machine to show you how to create these video salesletters in just a few hours.
With the secrets Thomas reveals in these training videos, you can create persuasive sales videos:
• Without being on camera
• Without having radio voice
• Without expensive equipment
• Without being super slick copywriter or salesman
Thomas is a highly sought-after (and highly paid) copywriter. He shows you his methods, which you can imitate to create your own videos with a lot less stress than coming up with them on your own and a lot less cost than hiring a professional video creation service.
In this training you get:
1. Video Conversion Cash Machine training videos
2. PDFs of all the slides for your reference offline
3. MP3s of the videos so you can listen away from your computer
4. “Mafia Offer Worksheet”, helping you create irresistible offers
5. “Video Tech Secrets” training
6. How To land a 4 Figure Video Salesletter Copywriting Client in less than a week
You don’t have to know anything about video or copywriting to profit from this training. Thomas shows you all you need to know.
For only one week, Thomas is making this available for well under $10 (currently, $7.59, although the price is rising) here: Video Conversion Cash Machine
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