The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to create non-news driven content for SEO and content marketing”.

Ryan Sommer says, “Savvy marketers know that content marketing is key when it comes to building up a relationship with other sites, social networks, and syndication partners.

Whether or not you agree with slapping the (buzz)phrase ‘content marketing’ across many of the already commonly used SEO tactics, everyone can agree the technology to find, distribute and track how content delivers ROI (meaning influencer tracking, social analytics, custom CRMs) has really kick-started an interest in the field.

We’ve written broadly on content strategy in the past, but in this post I thought I’d share a bit more about our internal approach to a specific area of content creation”.

How to create non-news driven content for SEO and content marketing

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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