Sean Lowery is an old hand at crafting website themes for consultants to use in building sites for offline businesses. This is his 10th set. In this latest set he addresses the needs of:
• Window cleaning companies
• Trucking companies
• Asphalt Paving companies
• Fitness Centers
• Dog care centers

The themes in Offline Business Themes are all custom designed for the intended niche, with attractive graphics that will please both the business owner, and the customers of the business.

And, even more important these days, the sites you build with these themes will look good regardless of what device the visitor uses, from a PC to a tablet to a smartphone.

There are at least four ways you can use these themes in your business:
1. Custom build a site for a local business.
2. Build a site that you rent to a local business (or to a business miles away) for a steady income.
3. Use the site to gather leads, people interested in these services, and sell those leads to a local business.
4. Build sites using these themes that you sell on Flippa or other broker.

These 5 custom themes are available for about $18, but the price is constantly rising.

Go here to check them out before the price becomes uneconomical for you: Offline Business Themes

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