A recent survey showed that the majority of people wanting to build an online business had been ‘trying’ for 2 years and in that time most had made nothing. Their perseverance is admirable. Nothing is achieved without it. But persisting in doing things that aren’t working may be a sign that you need to improve your approach.

If you’re ready to change things and finally get the missing piece of the puzzle to online wealth, Alex Jeffreys just announced new training that may help. He calls it The Money Trigger, and it’s for people who have never made any significant money online.

Recently Jeffreys held a private, invitation-only workshop held in Miami where people paid upward of $5,000 to attend. He had been mentoring people in online marketing for some time, but in this workshop, he and his special guest speaker provided information that out-did any training he had ever done before.

His guest speaker was a man they call “The Guru To the Gurus”, Rich Schefren. As a favor to Alex, he came to speak to the small group of attendees. His presentation (which is a part of The Money Trigger) included answering a question from the audience:

“What’s the number one skill you should learn to build a successful internet business?”

His answer caused Jeffreys to re-think his marketing strategy, and from that new philosophy, The Money Trigger was born.

Jeffreys says it is probably the fastest way to earning significant money on the internet.

The Money Trigger is video training designed to help you clear away the misconceptions that may have damaged your marketing career.

The main training is two solid hours of re-orientation and re-strategizing by Jeffreys. He gives you a printable mind-map so you can follow him and have something to organize your notes and so you can easily review what you learned. Plus, you get the video of Rich Schefren’s presentation with additional insights on growing a successful marketing business.

Besides this foundational training, Jeffreys includes:
• Three recorded training webinars he did for his private coaching clients
• His three marketing e-books that have helped many marketers:
   1. The Guru’s Dream
   2. The Newbie’s Nightmare
   3. The Guru’s Nightmare
• One more surprise bonus. Jeffreys says that, by itself, this bonus is worth more than he is charging for this whole package.

If you haven’t made the progress in your business you hoped to, Jeffreys wants to help. He hopes his training will be the trigger that frees you to earn what you are capable of.

The investment for all this business building information is just $9.90 here: The Money Trigger

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